What you don’t know can hurt you – and your family and your business. Being prepared means having a plan to navigate life’s unforgiving uncertainties both during life and after death. We’re talking, of course, about estate planning, and it’s important to realize that...
If you’re thinking of setting up a trust and you’ve never done it before, you probably have a lot of questions. How do you do it? Who needs to be involved? How do they work? Are they worth it? In this post, we’re going to try to cover several of those questions to...
Start-Ups: How a Florida Business Planning Attorney Can Help By: Barry E. Haimo, Esq. July 20, 2022 Below, you’ll gain a perspective from 30,000 feet about how and why I can help with your startup. I am an attorney, and attorneys are valuable to businesses....
The Marlon Brando Will: An Estate Planning Lesson By: Barry E. Haimo, Esq.March 21, 2022 More than a decade has passed since the famous actor Marlon Brando died. But those tumultuous years of posthumous court battles from the Marlon Brando will are still memorable to...
How to Respond if Your Parents Have Outdated Estate Planning By: Barry E. Haimo, Esq. March 13, 2022 [BEGIN TRANSCRIPTION] HAIMO: If you find that your parents have outdated estate planning, you should broach the subject fairly soon. It’s important that...