by Haimo Law | May 5, 2020 | Celebrity Deaths, Probate
By: Barry E. Haimo, Esq. March 29, 2018 Is Michael’s Jackson’s Name and Likeness Worth Only $2,105? For estate tax filing, the executors for Michael Jackson’s estate claimed that the value of his name and likeness was tarnished, thus lowering its value....
by Barry Haimo | Mar 12, 2020 | Asset Protection, Financial Planning
Estate Planning for the 2020 Election By: Barry E. Haimo, Esq. March 12, 2020 There are so many big stories in politics right now that it’s tempting to shut down your computer, turn off your phone, and ignore everything that’s happening. Headlines about impeachment,...
by Barry Haimo | Aug 1, 2019 | Asset Protection, Strategy
By: Barry E. Haimo, Esq.August 1, 2019 Estate tax proposal Bernie’s New Estate Tax Proposal and What It Would Mean “Tax-the-rich” proposals are seemingly being drawn up and put forth left and right by everyone sitting anywhere left of the political dial. The latest...
by Barry Haimo | Apr 17, 2019 | Celebrity Deaths, Probate
By: Barry E. Haimo, Esq. March 29, 2018 Is Michael’s Jackson’s Name and Likeness Worth Only $2,105? For estate tax filing, the executors for Michael Jackson’s estate claimed that the value of his name and likeness was tarnished, thus lowering its value....